The Best Three Lenses for Street Photographers: Tips from World-renowned Photographers

Street photography is one of the most captivating forms of photography, capturing spontaneous moments and daily details of communities. Choosing the right lens significantly impacts the quality and detail of the photos. In this blog, we will explore the best three lenses recommended by world-renowned photographers for street photography.

1. 35mm f/1.4 Lens

Many consider the 35mm lens to be the perfect choice for street photography. This lens offers a wide enough field of view to include the background well, without being too wide to distort the images. With its large aperture (f/1.4), photographers can achieve beautiful background blur (bokeh) even in low light conditions. Renowned photographer Eric Kim recommends this lens for its ability to capture fast moments and fine details without disturbing people on the street.

2. 50mm f/1.8 Lens

The 50mm lens, also known as the “Nifty Fifty,” is a classic choice for street photographers. This lens provides a field of view close to that of the human eye, making the images look natural and comfortable. Additionally, its wide aperture (f/1.8) allows photographers to work in various lighting conditions and achieve a shallow depth of field. Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the pioneers of street photography, relied on this focal length for its ability to capture images unobtrusively and quickly.

3. 24-70mm f/2.8 Lens

For photographers seeking greater flexibility, the 24-70mm lens is an ideal choice. This lens offers a wide range of focal lengths, allowing photographers to capture wide scenes or focus on specific details without changing the lens. The constant aperture (f/2.8) helps achieve clear and sharp images in various conditions. World-renowned photographer Joel Meyerowitz prefers this lens for its versatility and ability to adapt to the diverse photographic situations encountered on the street.


Choosing the right lens depends on the photographer’s personal style and what they aim to achieve with their photos. Whether you prefer working with a fixed lens like the 35mm or 50mm, or need the flexibility offered by a zoom lens like the 24-70mm, remember that the main goal is to capture the spirit and life of the street in a way that expresses your artistic vision. Listen to the advice of world-renowned photographers, but don’t hesitate to experiment and discover what works best for you.


Powerful Lenses at Very Affordable Prices